Become someone you
don't recognize
Through 3 life-changing modalities, experience radical shifts in your perception, your health, and your deeply programmed beliefs. To clear away the fog that keeps you locked in the dreamland state (or should we say nightmare state?) of your own physical and mental suffering. And never return there again: not for a moment.

"My mess was on fire."
"34 years of mess, coming to the surface... I was at this point in my life where everything seemed a little crazy and also everything seemed like a possibility... Amy helped me to feel what I actually was feeling. And then brought me to a neutral place."
- Abigail
Alchemize the limiting beliefs held deep in your subconscious. To exchange old habits for ones that are more aligned with who you are… and who you can become.
vital mind
Find radical freedom in your body and mind through diet, lifestyle, and meditation empowerment. To powerfully self-heal, while you relinquish yourself from the hold of big pharma.
Activate your connection to the frequencies of energy, light, and information. A powerful spectrum that goes beyond traditional energy healing, believed to be seen on this planet for the first time.
I’ve had major dark nights of the soul. Now i feel so free.
Meet Amy: PSYCH-K® practitioner, VMR coach, Reconnective Healing practitioner
For most of my life, I rejected my own humanity along with everyone else's. I held back my thoughts, opinions, truth, and feelings: afraid they would be shunned by everyone around me.
I shoved and shoved and shoved my feelings down. While I drifted through two decades of depression and suicidality, where nothing – not pills, not talk therapy, nothing – could take me beyond the baseline of just trying to survive and not crash.
Then I realized... it’s all inside you. It’s all in your head. All you have to do is shift your consciousness and you’ll see that none of it is a problem. And all that suffering… it will all go away.
Now I just feel free. I have learned to just accept emotion. To accept all the light and dark parts of myself. I’m doing the work, and I feel so alive.

life isn’t for half-living
Do you still want to be stuck in the same patterns, the same feeling of incongruence, the same sense of lingering unwellness in 2 years, in 10 years, in 20?
If yes, this isn’t for you. But if you’re ready for radical life change…
Backed by brain mapping studies that show the impact of PSYCH-K® and the Whole-Brain State on the evolution of human consciousness. Rewrite the stories held in the chemistry of your mind and body to gently alter your perception (without the invasiveness of talk therapy or other techniques). To transform anything that's negative — anything that you don't want — into the positive. And take more aligned action
from there.
vital mind reset
A pathway for taking matters into your own hands. Especially when dealing with major medical establishments that leave you frustrated and scared in the face of major "untreatable" health issues. Move beyond that baseline of just trying to survive and not crash, while you restore your health and joy through a transformation that affects you on all levels.
reconnective healing
Bring your body back into an optimal state of consciousness to feel your vitality skyrocket. Fragrances, sounds, and other phenomena may arise as you explore a multiverse that you're not conscious of. All to allow something beautiful to form, born from a higher intelligence that powerfully impacts your reality.
“I was exhilarated by the new realization that I could change the character of my life by changing my beliefs. I was instantly energized because I realized that there was a science-based path that would take me from my job as a perennial “victim” to my new position as “co-creator” of my destiny."
- Bruce H. Lipton

you’re not barreling toward a car crash as you watch from the back seat
Talk therapy and other related techniques ask you to sit in the trauma. When all you want to do is cut through the muck and move on.
Go beyond words. To embody the limitlessness that's possible when you awaken from your slumber of lack and limitation and come to the realization of who and what you really are.
you’re in the driver’s seat with your hands on the wheel, and you can swerve to avoid the crash at any time
Don’t allow other people’s judgment, rejection, opinions, made-up rules, virtue signaling, or other moments of manipulation to tell you differently.
You can release everything that contaminates who you really are. Accomplish everything you aspire to do. And exist in a state of eternal abundance.

1. connect
When you book your free 15-minute consultation call, you'll get a link to a private and safe space for us to meet for a short video session.
2. illuminate
Come with a healing modality in mind, or let us work together to find your most aligned pathway.
3. liberate
Begin your journey to